I regularly am invited and lead workshops at the New York Citywide Librarian conference because my writing is recognized as a tool that helps readers grow to embody Common Core Standards to get youth to “read like detectives, listen like judges, and write like investigative journalists.”
– Torrey Maldonado

Hands Educator Guide by School Library Journal
The author of What Lane? and Tight delivers a fast-paced read that packs a punch about a boy figuring out how to best use his hands—to build or to knock down.

What Lane? Educator Guide by School Library Journal
The teaching ideas and invitations below are designed to support anti-racist teaching. While classrooms can be sites of transformative learning, they are also situated in a broader system of white supremacy.

What Lane? Educator Guide by Disrupt Texts
What Lane? tells a story of racial identity, and what it means to have society dictate rules for social interaction within different identities. Reading this book with students will open up the opportunity to discuss social movements like Black Lives Matter, the Civil Rights Movement, and de facto segregation.

Tight Discussion Guide
This guide was written by Shanetia P. Clark, PhD. Shanetia is an associate professor of literacy at Salisbury University (MD). She teaches courses in literacy methods and children’s literature.

Secret Saturdays Educator's Guide
Attention teachers of: english, math, science, and history! Secret Saturdays is filled with your subjects. Download my educator’s guide to strengthen readers in your content area.

Secret Saturdays Quiz
Finished Secret Saturdays? See if you can get a “Super Secret Saturdays Score.” Take the quiz.

Anti-bullying and Conflict Resolution Lesson
While I wrote Secret Saturdays to be a fun read, I also wrote it to stop bullying and increase peace. I began my educator-career as a Conflict Resolution Specialist–training administrators, teachers, and youth to solve big and small problems–and have refined that training in my nearly twenty five years of teaching. I designed this lesson to help you conflict-resolve too.